Soul Stories + What People are Saying

After leaving a high demand religion I felt unsettled spiritually and very wary of spiritual leaders and life-changing promises. I wanted a spiritual practice that felt grounding, meditative and meaningful and this course gave me instruction, practices, and resources that are exactly that for me. There is both a simplicity and depth to how Eleanor teaches that inspired me to deepen my spiritual practices and find meaning in my journey toward feeling whole and connecting more fully with the Earth.


Hello Darlings, I’m Eleanor Medina!

I’m so glad you found us! My name is Eleanor Medina and I created The Makaranda Method because I believe the world needs a new kind of therapeutic approach to healing.

Although most of our sessions are online, the practices and teachings I offer ALWAYS connect you back with nature directly.

Far too often, traditional therapists look for the sickness. “What is wrong?” they ask. Instead, I aim to understand you. I teach about wholeness, asking “What does your behavior mean? Where does this come from? What can we learn about your wounding so we can thank your protectors & with compassion, shift your attention to live in the present moment?” I offer tools like meditation, somatic experiencing & loving-kindness practices. You have to opportunity to learn how to slow down your mind enough to listen to your bodi’s clear messages.

I believe the answers we need are already inside, we just have to learn to deeply listen with curiosity. I take a very active approach in this holistic, therapeutic, coaching blend.

If you are ready to deeply look inside and push yourself emotionally, spiritually, physically, & intellectually, you’re in the right place. I look forward to hearing from you!